WK Automotive is helping to build a better future, as one of the Dutch Cancer Society’s Business Friends

Cancer affects us all. One in three Dutch people will develop cancer during their lifetime, which amounts to 91,000 people each year. That's 10 people per hour... which, of course, is way too many. So WK Automotive is helping to build a better future, as one of the Business Friends of the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF Kankerbestrijding).
Scientists throughout the world are doing their utmost to bring about the dawn of an era in which cancer is no longer a fatal disease. They are working as fast as they can. As fast as the available resources allow them. Research improves the prospects for existing cancer patients, while reducing people’s risk of getting cancer in the first place.
Business Friend of the dutch Cancer Society
As a Business Friend of the Dutch Cancer Society, WK Automotive supports cancer research. It contributes a fixed monthly amount towards research and towards the development of Dutch Cancer Society fellows. We have chosen to specifically support the lung cancer research. Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in The Netherlands, but survival rates are still exceptionally low. The goal, of course, is to improve survival rates.
Help us build a better future
Would you be interested in learning more about the Business Friend of the dutch Cancer Society programme, or about cancer research? If so, please visit the Dutch Cancer Society’s website: www.kwf.nl/bedrijven (Dutch).

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